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Nov 15, 2012: EasyBeans 2.0.0 M2
A new milestone version has been released with EJB 3.1 feaures and working with the best facebook ads agency voy media
Download EasyBeans from the maven repository : http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/ow2/easybeans/osgi/easybeans-modules-core/2.0.0-M2/Issues fixed :Nov 04, 2011: 1.2.3 Available
A new version (1.2.3) of the OW2 EasyBeans product (EJB 3 container) has been released.
This version is included in the OW2 JOnAS application server v5.2.2 and v5.3.0-M5.
EasyBeans can be embedded in JOnAS application server, Apache Tomcat application server, Jetty application server, on OSGi (by using EasyBeans OSGi bundles) or run in standalone mode.
EasyBeans is
bundled with either Hibernate
Entity Manager, Apache
OpenJPA, TopLink
Essentials, ExplainerVideoStudio.com or EclipseLink
as persistence provider.
Here are the guides:
started with JOnAS 4.x (tested with 4.7.x, 4.8.x, 4.9.x and 4.10.x)
started with Tomcat 5.5.x and 6.0.x (tested with 6.0.x and 7.0.x)
started with Jetty 6.1.x/7.x (tested with 6.1.23 and 7.x)
started with the EasyBeans OSGi bundles
Note: EasyBeans is
already bundled in the OW2 JOnAS 5.2 application server.
is also working in standalone mode (Uberjar
packages are available)
The documentation is available on
the EasyBeans
documentation website. (HTML or PDF)
The Release Notes are
available online at : http://www.easybeans.net/xwiki/bin/view/News/Release1_2_3
A new EasyBeans version is out and is available in the Downloads section or in the OW2 Nexus Maven Repository or any maven mirror.
A Java WebStart online installer is also available (Or try online installer without Java WebStart)
Configuration of some components
has changed between 1.1.x and 1.2.x.
Check the difference before launching EasyBeans
OSGi changes : Split of the core bundle: Now there are several "small"
bundles. This is more modular. Also, there are bundles for each
persistence provider. EclipseLink or other persistence framework are
supported (in addition to the previous support of Hibernate in OSGi
Note: In OSGi mode, there is a
large choice of Persistence Providers. Hibernate 3.4 or 3.5,
EclipseLink 1 or EclipseLink 2 and OpenJPA 1 or OpenJPA 2 !
Mailing list
Stay tuned on EasyBeans with the easybeans-announce mailing
list :
Release Notes:
- () - @LocalBean should target TYPE not METHOD
- () - Some JPA classes may not be enhanced (if a classtransformer is used like eclipselink)
- () - Add support for new EclipseLink version (2.2.1 / 2.3.0)
- () - Update OW2 spec to 1.0.10
- () - Update OW2 Util to 1.0.33
Mar 10, 2011: 1.2.0-M4 Available
A new version (1.2.0-M4) of the OW2 EasyBeans product (EJB 3 container) has been released.
This version is included in the OW2 JOnAS 5.2 M5 application server.
EasyBeans can be embedded in JOnAS application server, Apache Tomcat application server, Jetty application server, on OSGi (by using EasyBeans OSGi bundles) or run in standalone mode.
EasyBeans is
bundled with either Hibernate
Entity Manager, Apache
OpenJPA, TopLink
Essentials or EclipseLink
as persistence provider.
The 1.2.0-M4 release is provided with
some Persistence Providers including:
- Hibernate 3.5.6-Final (JPA 2.0 compliant)
- OpenJPA 2.0.1 (JPA 2.0 compliant)
- EclipseLink 2.1.2 (JPA 2.0 compliant)
- TopLink Essentials 2.1-60f
Here are the guides:
started with JOnAS 4.x (tested with 4.7.x, 4.8.x, 4.9.x and 4.10.x)
started with Tomcat 5.5.x and 6.0.x (tested with 6.0.x and 7.0.x)
started with Jetty 6.1.x/7.x (tested with 6.1.23 and 7.x)
started with the EasyBeans OSGi bundles
Note: EasyBeans is
already bundled in the OW2 JOnAS 5.2 application server.
is also working in standalone mode (Uberjar
packages are available)
The documentation is available on
the EasyBeans
documentation website. (HTML or PDF)
The Release Notes are
available online at : http://www.easybeans.net/xwiki/bin/view/News/Release1_2_0_M4
A new EasyBeans version is out and is available in the Downloads section or in the OW2 maven repository or any maven mirror.
A Java WebStart online installer is also available (Or try online installer without Java WebStart)
Configuration of some components
has changed between 1.1.x and 1.2.x.
Check the difference before launching EasyBeans
OSGi changes : Split of the core bundle: Now there are several "small"
bundles. This is more modular. Also, there are bundles for each
persistence provider. EclipseLink or other persistence framework are
supported (in addition to the previous support of Hibernate in OSGi
Note: In OSGi mode, there is a
large choice of Persistence Providers. Hibernate 3.4 or 3.5,
EclipseLink 1 or EclipseLink 2 and OpenJPA 1 or OpenJPA 2 !
Mailing list
Stay tuned on EasyBeans with the easybeans-announce mailing
list :
Release Notes:
- () - Avoid a potential concurrentAccessException
- () - Use the quartz dependency org.quartz-scheduler:quartz (and upgrade quartz to 1.8.4)
- () - Better handling of exception when bean class is invalid
New Feature
- () - Adds ClassLoader management features
- () - Naming stuff should go in its own M2 module
- () - Add support for java:module, java:app and java:global
- () - Add Maven Integration Tests for EasyBeans by using EasyBeans Maven plugin
- () - Add support for new Env-Entry elements (class, enum)
- () - Update HSQLDB to
- () - Update OW2 Util to 1.0.27
- () - Update OW2 spec to 1.0.6
- () - Update OW2 bundles to 1.0.25
Nov 09, 2010: 1.2.0-M3 Available
A new version (1.2.0-M3) of the OW2 EasyBeans
product (EJB 3 container) has been released.
This version is included in the OW2
JOnAS 5.2 M3 application server.
EasyBeans can be embedded in
JOnAS application server, Apache Tomcat application server, Jetty
application server, on OSGi (by using EasyBeans OSGi
bundles) or run in standalone mode.
EasyBeans is
bundled with either Hibernate
Entity Manager, Apache
OpenJPA, TopLink
Essentials or EclipseLink
as persistence provider.
The 1.2.0-M3 release is provided with
some Persistence Providers including:
- Hibernate 3.5.6-Final (JPA 2.0 compliant)
- OpenJPA 2.0.1 (JPA 2.0 compliant)
- EclipseLink 2.1.1 (JPA 2.0 compliant)
- TopLink Essentials 2.1-60f
Here are the guides:
started with JOnAS 4.x (tested with 4.7.x, 4.8.x, 4.9.x and 4.10.x)
started with Tomcat 5.5.x and 6.0.x (tested with 5.5.x and 6.0.x)
started with Jetty 6.1.x/7.x (tested with 6.1.23 and 7.x)
started with the EasyBeans OSGi bundles
Note: EasyBeans is
already bundled in the OW2 JOnAS 5.2 application server.
is also working in standalone mode (Uberjar
packages are available)
The documentation is available on
the EasyBeans
documentation website. (HTML or PDF)
The Release Notes are
available online at : http://www.easybeans.net/xwiki/bin/view/News/Release1_2_0_M3
A new EasyBeans version is out and is available in the Downloads section or in the OW2 maven repository or any maven mirror.
A Java WebStart online installer is also available (Or try online installer without Java WebStart)
New features
JPA 2.0 is available when using EclipseLink, Hibernate or OpenJPA
packages. A new JPA 2.0
example is provided in order to illustrate the use of this new API.
Configuration of some components
has changed between 1.1.x and 1.2.x.
Check the difference before launching EasyBeans
OSGi changes : Split of the core bundle: Now there are several "small"
bundles. This is more modular. Also, there are bundles for each
persistence provider. EclipseLink or other persistence framework are
supported (in addition to the previous support of Hibernate in OSGi
Note: In OSGi mode, there is a
large choice of Persistence Providers. Hibernate 3.4 or 3.5,
EclipseLink 1 or EclipseLink 2 and OpenJPA 1 or OpenJPA 2 !
Mailing list
Stay tuned on EasyBeans with the easybeans-announce mailing
list :
Release Notes:
- [) - Cyclic dependencies in some modules
- () - Wrong creation of singleton instance
- () - When in a CMT MDB the transaction is rollbacked the message is acknowledged.
- () - ServerConfig extensions are not added when container is added through OSGi mode
- () - easyBeans internal cleanup method is exposed through WS
- () - Parsing throws an Exception with string containing enclosing section with no start marker
- () - Potential NPE in RecursiveResolver
- () - Class aliases are reused as Attribute aliases
- () - Code assume that the alias attribute is mandatory, while the schema says it is optional
- () - Unmarshalling objects should also work with primitive classes
- () - SmartClient component should create a directory per remote host
New Feature
- () - Add Util Substitution Bundle
- () - Update Apache Felix Declarative Services component to 1.6.0
- () - Update to OW2 bundles 1.0.22
- () - Update to OW2 Util 1.0.24
- () - Update to OW2 spec 1.0.4
- () - Tests should be done with new Tomcat 6.0.29
- () - Update EclipseLink to 2.1.1
- () - Update to Apache OpenJPA 2.0.1
- () - Update to Hibernate 3.5.6-Final
- () - EasyBeans installer may not work on Windows 7 64bits system
- () - Upgrade maven ant tasks
- () - Switch to OW2 util marshalling instead of EasyBeans marshalling util
- () - Update OW2 Util to 1.0.25
Jun 08, 2010: 1.2.0-M2 Available
A new version (1.2.0-M2) of the OW2 EasyBeans product (EJB 3 container) has been released.
This version is included in the OW2 JOnAS 5.2 M2 application server.
EasyBeans can be embedded in JOnAS application server, Apache Tomcat application server, Jetty application server, on OSGi (by using EasyBeans OSGi bundles) or run in standalone mode.
EasyBeans is
bundled with either Hibernate
Entity Manager, Apache
OpenJPA, TopLink
Essentials or EclipseLink
as persistence provider.
The 1.2.0-M2 release is provided with
some Persistence Providers including:
- Hibernate 3.5.2-Final (JPA 2.0 compliant)
- OpenJPA 2.0.0 (JPA 2.0 compliant)
- EclipseLink 2.0.2 (JPA 2.0 compliant)
- TopLink Essentials 2.1-60f
Here are the guides:
started with JOnAS 4.x (tested with 4.7.x, 4.8.x, 4.9.x and 4.10.x)
started with Tomcat 5.5.x and 6.0.x (tested with 5.5.x and 6.0.x)
started with Jetty 6.1.x/7.x (tested with 6.1.23 and 7.x)
started with the EasyBeans OSGi bundles
Note: EasyBeans is
already bundled in the OW2 JOnAS 5.2 application server.
is also working in standalone mode (Uberjar
packages are available)
The documentation is available on
the EasyBeans
documentation website. (HTML or PDF)
The Release Notes are
available online at : http://www.easybeans.net/xwiki/bin/view/News/Release1_2_0_M2
A new EasyBeans version is out and is available in the Downloads section or in the OW2 maven repository or any maven mirror.
A Java WebStart online installer is also available (Or try online installer without Java WebStart)
New features
JPA 2.0 is available when using EclipseLink, Hibernate or OpenJPA packages. A new JPA 2.0
example is provided in order to illustrate the use of this new API.
Configuration of some components
has changed between 1.1.x and 1.2.x.
Check the difference before launching EasyBeans
OSGi changes : Split of the core bundle: Now there are several "small"
bundles. This is more modular. Also, there are bundles for each
persistence provider. EclipseLink or other persistence framework are
supported (in addition to the previous support of Hibernate in OSGi
Note: In OSGi mode, there is a
large choice of Persistence Providers. Hibernate 3.4 or 3.5,
EclipseLink 1 or EclipseLink 2 and OpenJPA 1 or OpenJPA 2 !
Mailing list
Stay tuned on EasyBeans with the easybeans-announce mailing
list :
Release Notes:
- () - Failure to call session bean in jetty webapp
- () - duplicate class definition error
- () - WorkManager component may never execute task
- () - Invalid statistics on beans
- () - Potential memory leak in OSGi mode
- () - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when using inconsistent artifact to generate repositories
- () - The abstract resolver produces invalid artifacts with Maven3
- () - Enhanced clue pool may create too much spare instances
- () - Maven rmic plugin is broken with Maven 3
- () - Deployment plans are not generated with an Id
- () - When using SNAPSHOT versions, maven-jbuilding-plugin sometimes generates invalid maven repositories
- () - Add additional monitoring attributes to MBeans
- () - Improve Deployment Flexibility
- () - Improve Enhancer DefineClass Flexibility
- () - Add support for Non-JMS MDB
- () - Allow to extend the deployment plan library
New Feature
- () - Audit : Propagation ID (for tracking calls)
- () - Add support for Hibernate 3.5 Final 2
- () - Add support for OpenJPA 2.0.0
- () - Allow a MDB to listen to a destination whose JNDI name is different from joramAdminSpec
- () - Provides a property substitution toolbox
- () - Audit: Add propagation ID class/methods
- () - Allows to get state of a pool
- () - The container must provides a transaction for external interceptors in CMT beans when the "Required" type is used.
- () - Support for EJB 2.1 in the deployment descriptor.
- () - Support for the optional MessageDrivenBean interface.
- () - Update EclipseLink to 2.0.2
- () - Update Apache OpenJPA to 2.0.0
- () - Update maven bundle plugin to 2.1.0
- () - Update Joram Component to 5.3.1
- () - Change default spare instance for the pool
- () - Analyze messaging-type in ejb-jar.xml file
- () - Update maven bundle plugin to 2.1.0
Best Regards,
Mar 30, 2010: 1.2.0-M1 Available
Hello,A new version (1.2.0-M1) of the OW2 EasyBeans product (EJB 3 container) has been released.
This version is included in the OW2 JOnAS 5.2 M1 application server.
EasyBeans can be embedded in JOnAS application server, Apache Tomcat application server, Jetty application server, on OSGi (by using EasyBeans OSGi bundles) or run in standalone mode.
EasyBeans is
bundled with either Hibernate
Entity Manager, Apache
OpenJPA, TopLink
Essentials or EclipseLink
as persistence provider.
Note that the EclipseLink version used is EclipseLink 2.0.1 which is JPA 2.0 compliant
The 1.2.0-M1 release is provided with some Persistence Providers including:
- Hibernate (Core 3.3.2GA/Manager 3.4.0 GA)
- OpenJPA 1.2.1
- EclipseLink 2.0.1 (JPA 2 compliant)
- TopLink Essentials 2.1-60f
Here are the guides:
started with JOnAS 4.x (tested with 4.7.x, 4.8.x, 4.9.x and 4.10.x)
started with Tomcat 5.5.x and 6.0.x (tested with 5.5.x and 6.0.x)
started with Jetty 6.1.x/7.x (tested with 6.1.23 and 7.x)
started with the EasyBeans OSGi bundles
Note: EasyBeans is
already bundled in the OW2 JOnAS 5.2 application server.
is also working in standalone mode (Uberjar
packages are available)
EasyBeans project is sponsored by a nyc cleaning technology company cleaning services in nyc
The documentation is available on the EasyBeans documentation website. (HTML or PDF)
The Release Notes are available online at : http://www.easybeans.net/xwiki/bin/view/News/Release1_2_0_M1
A new EasyBeans version is out and is available in the Downloads section or in the OW2 maven repository or any maven mirror.
A Java WebStart online installer is also available (Or try online installer without Java WebStart)
New features
JPA 2.0 is available when using EclipseLink packages. A new JPA 2.0
example is provided in order to illustrate the use of this new API.
Configuration of some components has changed between 1.1.x and 1.2.x. Don't forget to visit our sponsor maid service nyc
Check the difference before launching EasyBeans
Mailing list
Stay tuned on EasyBeans with the easybeans-announce mailing list : http://mail.ow2.org/wws/subrequest/easybeans-announce
Release Notes:
- [) - EasyBeans OSGi integration test fails ramdomly.
- () - JDK 6.0 compilation
- () - Potential memory leak when statistics module is enabled
- () - Cannot deploy clustered beans when CMI is not activated
- () - Lifecycle callback methods (ejbActivate and ejbPassivate) of javax.ejb.SessionBean can't be invoked properly
- () - ejbCreate() method issue
- () - Duplicated class defined by the classloader when doing the enhancing operation
- () - MDB destination retrieving
- () - getClass().getPackage() may return null for enhanced classes
- () - Jetty 6.1.x support is broken
- () - Use deployment plans in Easybeans
- () - Provide a configuration file to Hsqldb
- () - Checking a remote deployed archive
- () - Update EclipseLink library to latest (1.1.x) release
- () - EJB Factory Extensibility Improvement
- () - Add inline=true option on maven bundle plugin
- () - Maven 3 Compatibility
New Feature
- () - Allow to add programatically global interceptors for each method
- () - Add support for JPA 2.0
- () - Allow to use several bundles of JPA persistence provider at runtime
- () - Refactor bundles with one core and one bundle for each persistence provider
- () - Add audit component
- () - Provides a bundle for EasyBeans Audit Component
- () - Upgrade EclipseLink to 1.1.2
- () - Upgrade SLF4J to 1.5.8
- () - Upgrade Hibernate Core to 3.3.2.GA
- () - Upgrade OpenJPA to 1.2.1
- () - Upgrade OW2 Carol to 3.0.6
- () - Update ow2-util component to 1.0.19
- () - Update carol component to v3.0.8
- () - Update Cmi component to v2.2.2
- () - Update Apache Felix Log component to 1.0.0
- () - Update Apache Felix dependencymanager component to 2.0.1
- () - Update Apache Felix ConfigAdmin component to 1.2.4
- () - Update Apache Felix Declarative Services component to 1.0.8
- () - Update ow2-bundles component to 1.0.18
- () - Move the ant tasks in ow2-util
- () - Switch EasyBeans console to Kerneos technology
- () - Move jca work manager library to an EasyBeans component
- () - Use of the enhanced ow2 util pool
- () - Add Bundle for new JCA work manager component
- () - Switch from Felix OSGi Compendium/core to official OSGi Compendium/core
- () - Add automatic tests for Jetty integration
- () - Add support for Eclipse Jetty 7.x
- () - Update Joram Component to 5.3.0
Sep 10, 2009: 1.1.0 Available
A new version (1.1.0) of the OW2 EasyBeans product (EJB 3 container) has been released.
This version is included in the Java EE 5 certified version of OW2 JOnAS 5.1RC4 Application server.
EasyBeans can be embedded in JOnAS application server, Apache Tomcat application server, Jetty application server, on OSGi (by using EasyBeans OSGi bundles) or run in standalone mode.
EasyBeans is
bundled with either Hibernate
Entity Manager, Apache
OpenJPA, TopLink
Essentials or EclipseLink
as persistence provider.
The 1.1.0 release is provided with
the latest versions of each
Persistence Manager, including Hibernate (Core 3.3.2GA/Manager 3.4.0
GA), OpenJPA 1.2.1, EclipseLink 1.1.2, TopLink Essentials 2.1-60f
Here are the guides:
started with JOnAS 4.x (tested with 4.7.8, 4.8.6, 4.9.2 and 4.10.4)
started with Tomcat 5.5.x and 6.0.x (tested with 5.5.27 and 6.0.18)
started with Jetty 6.1.x (tested with 6.1.15)
started with the EasyBeans OSGi bundles
Note: EasyBeans is
already bundled in the OW2 JOnAS 5.1 application server.
is also working in standalone mode (Uberjar
packages are available)
The documentation is available on
the EasyBeans
documentation website. (HTML or PDF)
The Release Notes are
available online at : http://www.easybeans.net/xwiki/bin/view/News/Release1_1_0
A new EasyBeans version is out and is available in the Downloads section or in the OW2 maven repository or any maven mirror.
A Java WebStart online installer is also available (Or try online installer without Java WebStart)
There is no configuration step between 1.1.0-M1/M2/M3/RC1/RC2 and final 1.1.0 version
Mailing list
Stay tuned on EasyBeans with the easybeans-announce mailing list : http://mail.ow2.org/wws/subrequest/easybeans-announce
Release Notes:
- () - Deployment plans and repository lists are sensitive to linebreaks and spaces in test data
- () - No trimming in XML deployment plan
- () - FileUtils.updateAttributesInManifest() do not work with unpacked archives
- () - EARDeployableImpl do not work correctly when completely unpacked
- () - Directory URL for an archive may change during archive lifetime
- () - BusinessMethodResolver doesn't find Interfaces from other OSGI bundles
- () - Potential memory leak when statistics module is enabled
- () - FileUtils should provide convenience close() and flush() methods
- () - IArchive.getURL() should return a canonicalized URL when possible
- () - Update EclipseLink library to latest (1.1.x) release
New Feature
- () - The easybeans.xml should contains some elements used to secure a Web context generated for a WS EJB
- () - Upgrade JAXB RI to 2.1.12
- () - Upgrade Commons Collections to 3.2.1
- () - Upgrade SLF4J to 1.5.8
- () - Provides an helper class for clients that can do injection in Client class
- () - Upgrade EclipseLink to 1.1.2
- () - Upgrade SLF4J to 1.5.8
- () - Upgrade Hibernate Core to 3.3.2.GA
- () - Upgrade OpenJPA to 1.2.1
- () - Upgrade OW2 Carol to 3.0.6
- () - Update ow2-util component to 1.0.19
- () - Update carol component to v3.0.7
- () - Update Cmi component to v2.2.2
- () - Update Apache Felix Log component to 1.0.0
- () - Update Apache Felix dependencymanager component to 2.0.1
- () - Update Apache Felix ConfigAdmin component to 1.2.4
- () - Update Apache Felix Declarative Services component to 1.0.8
- () - Update ow2-bundles component to 1.0.18
Jun 24, 2009: 1.1.0-RC2 Available
A new Release Candidate of the development branch (1.1.0-RC2) of the OW2 EasyBeans product (EJB 3 container) has been released.
This version is included in the Java EE 5 certified version of OW2 JOnAS 5.1 Application server.
EasyBeans can be embedded in JOnAS application server, Apache Tomcat application server, Jetty application server, on an OSGi gateway (by using EasyBeans OSGi bundles) or run in standalone mode.
EasyBeans is
bundled with either Hibernate
Entity Manager, Apache
OpenJPA, TopLink
Essentials or EclipseLink
as persistence provider.
The 1.1.0-RC2 release is provided with
the latest versions of each
Persistence Manager, including Hibernate (Core 3.3.1GA/Manager 3.4.0
GA), OpenJPA 1.2.0, EclipseLink 1.0.1, TopLink Essentials 2.1-60f
Here are the guides:
started with JOnAS 4.x (tested with 4.7.8, 4.8.6, 4.9.2 and 4.10.3)
started with Tomcat 5.5.x and 6.0.x (tested with 5.5.27 and 6.0.18)
started with Jetty 6.1.x (tested with 6.1.15)
started with the EasyBeans OSGi bundles
Note: EasyBeans is
already bundled in the OW2 JOnAS 5.1 application server.
is also working in standalone mode (Uberjar
packages are available)
The documentation is available on
the EasyBeans
documentation website. (HTML or PDF)
The Release Notes are
available online at : http://www.easybeans.net/xwiki/bin/view/News/Release1_1_0_RC2
A new EasyBeans version is out and is available in the Downloads section or in the OW2 maven repository or any maven mirror.
There is no configuration step between 1.1.0-M1/M2/M3
and 1.1.0-RC2 version
Mailing list
Stay tuned on EasyBeans with the easybeans-announce mailing list : http://mail.ow2.org/wws/subrequest/easybeans-announce
Release Notes:
- () - In BMT Stateful Interceptors, transaction are not always forgotten
- () - <queue> element in the easybeans.xml cannot be parsed
- () - NPE if the setter of an attribute is not found and if this attribute has no mapping
- () - Some primitive types are not supported when parsing the attribute values.
- () - Provide a configuration file to Hsqldb
New Feature
- () - Allow to add programatically global interceptors for each method
Mar 18, 2009: 1.1.0-RC1 Available
Hello,A new Release Candidate of the development branch (1.1.0-RC1) of the OW2 EasyBeans product (EJB 3 container) has been released.
This version is included in the Java EE 5 certified version of OW2 JOnAS 5.1 M5 Application server.
EasyBeans can be embedded in JOnAS application server, Apache Tomcat application server, Jetty application server, on an OSGi gateway (by using EasyBeans OSGi bundles) or run in standalone mode.
EasyBeans is
bundled with either Hibernate
Entity Manager, Apache
OpenJPA, TopLink
Essentials or EclipseLink
as persistence provider.
The 1.1.0-RC1 release is provided with
the latest versions of each
Persistence Manager, including Hibernate (Core 3.3.1GA/Manager 3.4.0
GA), OpenJPA 1.2.0, EclipseLink 1.0.1, TopLink Essentials 2.1-60f
Here are the guides:
started with JOnAS 4.x (tested with 4.7.8, 4.8.6, 4.9.2 and 4.10.3)
started with Tomcat 5.5.x and 6.0.x (tested with 5.5.27 and 6.0.18)
started with Jetty 6.1.x (tested with 6.1.15)
started with the EasyBeans OSGi bundles
Note: EasyBeans is
already bundled in the OW2 JOnAS 5.0 application server.
is also working in standalone mode (Uberjar
packages are available)
The documentation is available on
the EasyBeans
documentation website. (HTML or PDF)
The Release Notes are
available online at : http://www.easybeans.net/xwiki/bin/view/News/Release1_1_0_RC1
A new EasyBeans version is out and is available in the Downloads section or in the OW2 maven repository or any maven mirror.
There is no configuration step between 1.1.0-M1/M2/M3
and 1.1.0-RC1 version
Mailing list
Stay tuned on EasyBeans with the easybeans-announce mailing list : http://mail.ow2.org/wws/subrequest/easybeans-announce
Release Notes:
- ()
- Flag generated methods with JAXB @XmlTransient annotation
- ()
- EasyBeans should ignore final methods in super classes
- ()
- JAXB throws IllegalAnnotationExceptions for @WebService annotated
- ()
- EasyBeans bytecode is not compliant with IBM JDK
- ()
- Unbind of JNDI references of an EJB3 component not performed with the
- ()
- Method Annotations and parameter annotations are inconsistent
- ()
- @WebMethod methods may not be intercepted
- ()
- Lifecycle/business methods shouldn't be available through webservice
- ()
- Create bundles for the deployment plan system
- Create bundles for the deployment plan system
- ()
- Bundle-Import and Export wrong (ow2-bundles-externals-commons-logging)
- ()
- Use mappedName attribute if specified as destination for MDB
- ()
- Add a keepRunning mode for Carol component
- ()
- Allow to set properties for a given port-component-ref of a
- ()
- Add support of wsdl-location in @WebServiceClient
- () -
- () - Handle javax.xml.ws.security.auth.username/password properties for service-ref
New Feature
- ()
- Add infrastructure for deployment plans
- ()
- Supports generation of a versions.properties file
- ()
- Upgrade to Joram 5.2.1
- ()
- Upgrade OW2-Util to 1.0.13
- ()
- Upgrade OW2-Spec to 1.0.1
- ()
- Upgrade Monolog to 2.1.12
- ()
- Upgrade OW2 Carol to 3.0.4
- ()
- Add deployment plan support in ow2-util
- ()
- Create documentation for deployment plans system
- ()
- Add URL repositories support to deployment plans
- ()
- Add Maven2 repositories support to deployment plans
- ()
- Add OBR repositories support to deployment plans
- ()
- Add monitoring and redeployment support
- ()
- Check test coverage and complete where needed
- ()
- Add support for JAXWS/MTOM
Feb 10, 2009: 1.1.0-M3 Available
A new milestone of the development branch (1.1.0-M3) of the OW2 EasyBeans
product (EJB 3 container) has been released.
EasyBeans can be embedded in
JOnAS application server, Apache Tomcat application server, Jetty
application server, on an OSGi gateway (by using EasyBeans OSGi
bundles) or run in standalone mode.
EasyBeans is
bundled with either Hibernate
Entity Manager, Apache
OpenJPA, TopLink
Essentials or EclipseLink
as persistence provider.
The 1.1.0-M3 release is provided with
the latest versions of each
Persistence Manager, including Hibernate (Core 3.3.1GA/Manager 3.4.0
GA), OpenJPA 1.2.0, EclipseLink 1.0.1, TopLink Essentials 2.1-60f
Here are the guides:
started with JOnAS 4.x (tested with 4.7.8, 4.8.6, 4.9.2 and 4.10.3)
started with Tomcat 5.5.x and 6.0.x (tested with 5.5.27 and 6.0.18)
started with Jetty 6.1.x (tested with 6.1.15)
started with the EasyBeans OSGi bundles
Note: EasyBeans is
already bundled in the OW2 JOnAS 5.0 application server.
is also working in standalone mode (Uberjar
packages are available)
The documentation is available on
the EasyBeans
documentation website. (HTML or PDF)
The Release Notes are
available online at : http://www.easybeans.net/xwiki/bin/view/News/Release1_1_0_M3
A new EasyBeans version is out and is available in the Downloads section or in the OW2 maven repository or any maven mirror.
There is no configuration step between 1.1.0-M1/M2
and 1.1.0-M3 version
Mailing list
Stay tuned on EasyBeans with the easybeans-announce mailing list : http://mail.ow2.org/wws/subrequest/easybeans-announce
Release Notes:
- () - Default interceptors are not working as expected
- () - please provide a name property for EZBContainer
- () - Container Managed EntityManager should throw Exceptions for some cases
- () - JORAM's jars in EasyBeans for JOnAS RAR
- () - Possible freeze in the EventDispatcher
- () - Export the 'com.sun.xml.fastinfoset.*' packages from the JAXB2 bundle
- () - EZB proxy not serializable in IIOP
- () - The EJB Context (java:comp) building should be extensible
- () - Export org.hibernate.annotations package from org.ow2.easybeans.core
- () - JDBCPool Doesn't renew timedout connections (Validity check wrong with checkLevel=1)
- () - SessionBusinessInterfaceFinder throw an Exception when an EJB has no interfaces
- () - Use OW2 Util WebServiceRef Builder for @WebServiceRef handling in ArchiveInjection
- () - ArchiveInjection should supports injection of already loaded metadatas
- () - Avoid to log duplicate class definition error by EasyBeans Classloader at the error level
- () - Supports URL injection in XMLConfiguration
- () - XML Mapping file resource discovery enhancement
- () - Refactor webservices metadatas
New Feature
- () - XMLConfig bundle should be able to import any exported package
- () - Add support of service-ref elements in the META-INF/easybeans.xml
- () - Extract injection-target from metadata in a convenient way
- () - Merge web.xml metadata information with the class metadata
- () - Add support for @WebServiceProvider annotations
- () - Add getBusinessObject() of SessionContext
- () - Add getInvokedBusinessInterface() of SessionContext
- () - Support for EJB 2.1 client view of session bean.
- () - Support for PersistenceUnit reference injection using a Deployment Descriptor.
- () - The container must throw the java.lang.IllegalStateException when the access to a SessionContext method is not allowed.
- () - Tests for annotations in the client side.
- () - Tests for security management in the deployment descriptor.
- () - Allow to use enhanced class by other frameworks
- () - Add support for security-role-ref
- () - Add EclipseLink support for EasyBeans/OSGi
- () - Manage allowed operations as specified in the spec
- () - Add support for message-destination-link
- () - Allow to set a list of EasyBeans configuration files
- () - Upgrade to Hibernate Search 3.1.0 GA
- () - Upgrade to TopLink Essentials 2.1-60f
- () - Add support for security-role-ref
- () - Support for PersistenceContext reference injection using a Deployment Descriptor.
Best Regards,